So this was another one of those engagement sessions that it was supposed to rain (one of about five over a two week period). Like many of my recent engagement sessions, Nicole & Craig decided to go for it….rain or shine. And I’m certainly glad they did. There are actually are a lot of good reasons to keep your scheduled engagement session even with the chance of rain and now is as good of a time as any to talk about those.
1) With the chance of rain, the usually busy places such Federal Hill Park are completely deserted so we have full control over where we take photos.
2) “Before the storm” skies are very cool–lots of great colors.
3) The temperature is typically lower and there is usually a nice breeze so no one is a sweaty mess during those hot summer days.
4) A nice breeze blows hair which creates for some cool photos (see below).
5) Rain photos are awesome!
6) And lastly, you walk away with some incredibly unique photos different than anyone you know.
Back to Nicole & Craig’s engagement session. From the first five minutes of their session, I could tell Nicole & Craig are goofballs around each other (well mainly Craig) and these two have each other laughing all day constantly. Of course, this made my job really easy. At the beginning of our session, the weather looked great. In fact, I didn’t even bring a rain coat or camera cover because it looked so clear. I was wrong. Right before sunset, the rain clouds moved in. You could tell from the sky that when the rain did come, it was going to pour buckets. But with skies like that, it is really difficult as a photographer to stop shooting. Plus, I at least wanted a few rain photos with these two. Finally it started sprinkling. We took a few photos and I said I think we should call it a night because it is going to start pouring any second now. We said a few quick goodbyes and as soon as my assistant and I turned around to walk to our car, it started pouring and that walk quickly turned into a fast run. By the time we got to our cars, we were drenched from head to toe. But…..totally worth it.
I had so much fun with Nicole & Craig and I can’t wait until their Walters Art Museum wedding next year!