Stop and Smell the Roses | Thoughts of the Day

As I was walking my pups this morning as I do every morning, I realized I was looking down at the sidewalk not at all paying attention to my surroundings.  I was instead running through my day/weekend/next week figuring out my schedule and accounting for all the things I wanted to complete before my crazy travel schedule starts for the next six weeks.  I then realized that this is what I do every morning and a lot of the time when I’m not at my computer working. My mind is constantly running and planning and thinking about what is next work wise and socially.  Even when I’m working out my mind is running a million miles a minute.  I made myself stop right there.  It may be freezing cold and I may live in a somewhat dirty city, but there are so many beautiful things around me that just passed me by because I wasn’t paying attention and was instead focused on the future and my busy life.  Being “present” has always been something I have strived for in relationships with people and I have always thought it is one of the best gifts you can give a child as a parent (one day) or in my case an aunt.  But it is also a gift you can give yourself.  For me planning ahead comes naturally and is something I love to do but I also need to remember to stop and smell those roses along the way.

So whether you are planning your wedding, living a crazy busy life, or are just easily distracted, this is your daily reminder to stop and smell those roses and remember what is important in life.


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