Street Photography | Washington DC

After a little bit of convincing, my friend Cory from Cory Brodzinski Photography convinced me to try out street photography.  Since I photograph wedding after wedding, it is always good to get the creative juices flowing by trying out a different type of photography.  I must admit that even with my longest lens on my camera, I was still a little bit hesitant to try out street photography.  I mean, what if someone didn’t like that I was taking their photo (even though its perfectly legal) and tried to smash my camera or beat me up?  I must admit that I had alot of scenerios running through my head.  BUT, one thing I did know.  If I could get past all of this fear, I knew I would love it.  I find people very interesting–always have.  If you let me have a conversation with someone with different experiences than me, I will play 123 questions with them.  This is one of the reasons I enjoy traveling so much because I get to meet so many people from different walks of life than my own.  And observing people and trying to figure them out is even more fun.  Sometimes when I’m walking down the street, I stare at people.  I don’t really mean to and there really isn’t a reason other than I just like to figure their story out.

At any rate, I was convinced and off we set on the streets of DC.  I was timid at first but the more I got into it, the more bold I became.  I realized people really don’t care if you take their photo.  Some weren’t aware but a lot of the people were aware.  Some even looked straight into the camera while I basically had a photo shoot with them.  We ran into so many interesting characters along the way.  I can’t wait until the next time I try this (after wedding season is over).  And I am definitely bringing off camera lighting next time!

  1. tPoz says:

    so cool! that is one eclectic tattooed guy! And love grandpa going into that unique shop! That fear is something that I feel too…but this looks like it was a lot of fun!

  2. Christina says:

    These are FANTASTIC!! I want to see more!

  3. If looks could kill you’d be dead…..said the eyes of the cop!

    Great body of work …love the one of the old man going into the store to find his youth!

  4. shell says:

    my dad was a USPP on a motorcycle – that picture totally made me smile.

  5. Martin says:

    Inspirational! What focal length did you use?

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or call me at 443.510.5965.







