My Ya-Yas | Smith Mountain Lake | Virginia Photographer

From growing up, high school, college, Kansas, and now Baltimore, I am very lucky to have lifelong friendships.  My oldest and dearest group of friends are the Ya-Yas (as we’ve coined ourselves).  I have known these girls for basically forever.  I met Laura and Kate in church when I was probably two years old.  I don’t exactly remember this but I do know I have pictures of us attending one another’s birthday parties at a very young.  I met Michelle in 6th grade at church as well.  I didn’t meet Kristin until high school, but we have definitely made up for lost time.  Kristin and Katie were actually best friends when they were little so its all a big loop.  After high school, we attended three different colleges between the five of us, but we were always reunited on holidays and other visits home.  At one time or another, most of us lived together during college, grad school, or post grad.

Now, we all live in different cities and have our own lives.  But according to our by-laws (yes, we made up by-laws), we must get together one weekend per year for some much needed girl time.  Most years, we have gone to a beach where we have enjoyed nice dinners and a little bit of night life.  This past August, we wanted something more low key and secluded so renting a condo on Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia seemed like the perfect solution.  The previous year was crazy for all of us so nothing sounded better than sipping wine while overlooking a beautiful lake and having life conversations with best friends.  We cooked in every night and our only worry was who was going to win the Connect Four Tournament (I think this might mean we are getting old or we are huge dorks….or both).  Katie won the Connect Four Tournament which wasn’t really a surprise to me.  We laid out by the lake and even went kayaking once day which was so fun.  Other then that we talked and laughed for hours on end……it doesn’t get much better!

Oh and of course, I insisted on an organized photo session while we were all together.  But then I forgot my tripod so I had to buy a cheap one that didn’t hold my super heavy camera properly.  And the self timer on a camera isn’t the way to go when wanting specific pictures.  Next time, I’m hiring someone.

Anyway, I love these girls so much.  They have been there for me during my roughest moments and to celebrate with me during my best moments.  I can count on them for literally anything and I’m so excited to see where life takes all of us in the future. All I know  is we will be with each other along the way.  Love you girls!!

  1. Elizabeth Bailey says:

    So funny to see this post. We are going to Smith Mountain Lake next week for the first time to celebrate a college graduation. It looks beautiful in your photos! Looks like you all had a great time.

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